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DPX System $279.80
Dual Canister
Parallel plumbed
Double flow rate
1" inlet / outlet
300,000 gallon chlorine reduction per pair @ 14 GPM
HVFPB1, 34,000 gallon lead
reduction per pair @ 10 GPM
HVF585, Iron & Hydrogen
Sulfide, 100,000 gallons per pair @ 1 ppm
HVF885, Iron & Hydrogen
Sulfide, 150,000 gallons per pair @ 1 ppm
HVF455, Chlorine/Heavy
Metal, 90,000 gallons per pair
HVFFAA, Fluoride removal.
One year filter life for a pair.
Order two filters of the same make for matched
$119.95 each Lead & Chlorine Removal
$169.95 each Iron & Sulfur for Well
$194.90 each
Heavy Duty Version of HVF585
$129.95 each
Fluoride Removal
Order filters in pairs for matched performance
DS10C20W $189.95
Large capacity clear sediment filter with 1"
inlet/outlet plumbed to a 20" housing |
One micron sediment filter for clear housing
HVFMX1, 150,000 gallon chlorine reduction @ 7
HVFMX5, 42,000 gallon
chlorine, chloroform, VOC removal
HVFPB1, 17,000 gallon
lead reduction @ 5 GPM
HVF885, Iron & Hydrogen
Sulfide, 75,000 gallons @ 1 ppm iron
HVF585, Iron & Hydrogen
Sulfide, 50,000 gallons @ 1 ppm iron
HVF455, Chlorine/Heavy
Metal, 45,000 gallons
HVFFAA, Fluoride Filter. Six month filter
HVFGAC, Chlorine filter,
Granular activated carbon |
each 150,000 Gal Chlorine
$72.95 each
70,000 Gal. Chlorine
$119.95 each
Lead & Chlorine
TS10C20W $289.80
Triple plumbed in
Special application system
Use for multiple contaminates
One micron sediment filter for clear housing
HVFMX1, HVFFAA, Chlorine
& Fluoride removal $219.90 per pair
Chloroform & Fluoride removal $202.90 per pair
HVF455, HVFFAA, Heavy
Metals, & Fluoride Removal $229.90 per pair |
TS20W $299.80 Does not include filters.
Triple plumbed in series
Special application system
Use where multiple contaminates exist plus heavy sediment
One micron sediment filter for 1st housing
Recommended pairings for 2nd and 3rd housings.
HVF455, HVFPB1, Heavy Metals, & Lead
HVFMX1, HVFFAA, Chlorine
& Fluoride removal
Chloroform & Fluoride removal
HVF455, HVFFAA, Heavy
Metals, & Fluoride Removal